Anna TCHERKASSOF is a lecturer at the University of Grenoble, France. His main research questions focus on the process of facial expressions recognition and the type and nature of the facial information used by observers to decode the emotional message. A particular focus is on spontaneous and dynamic expressions that arise in actual social interaction and in natural contexts. The eye-tracking analysis and the use of numerical modeling mesh allow to complete standard judgments methodologies for the quantitative study of this process. In addition, to better understand the latter in its multiple dimensions, intercultural and pathological aspects are also being developed.
Brigitte MEILLON
CNRS engineer, Brigitte MEILLON is responsible for the technical team of the multicom platform. She technically supports experiments. She develops software tools to capture human behaviors, especially for eye tracking. She makes the maintenance and evolution of the platform based on new technologies.
Damien DUPRÉ
Damien DUPRÉ currently a PhD Student at the Laboratoire Interuniversitaire de Psychologie (LIP) at the University of Grenoble, France, under the direction of Michel Dubois and Anna Tcherkassof. His thesis is focused on emotional reactions and innovative products. The objective of this research is twofold: 1) to assess emotional reactions following the acceptance of innovative products; 2) develop a tool to measure the emotional feeling of users. Meanwhile he also participates in the development of the DynEmo database.
Jean-Michel ADAM
His research focuses on the Technology for Human Learning. He seeks to provide a remote teaching method to monitor and to control the activity of learners. His objective is to provide new monitoring tools that take into account not only the productions of the learners, but also their facial expression or posture that can denote a particular emotional or cognitive state.
Professor at the University of Grenoble, his research activities are centered mainly on the analysis of socio-cognitive processes at work and especially in the relationship between study skills in the workplace and study acceptance of new technologies (ergonomics complex information systems, navigation problems, accessibility and usability of information).
CNRS engineer and SSH methods engineer at the Laboratory of Informatics of Grenoble (LIG), she is specialized in the development of testing methods of human behavior and use of technologies.